
Thursday 14 April 2011

Good enough to eat!

For our afternoon children it was the last session of the term today. To celebrate ‘happy holidays’ we had a small picnic on the grass mound at Kindergarten – and enjoyed some lovely refreshing ice-blocks. These were a real treat and everybody was eager to join in.

Gathering together for some shared kai not only builds social competence but is also great for promoting conversation and language development. Today there was a great deal of discussion to had be on who had eaten their ice-block the quickest, what the flavour was (lemonade for anyone wondering!) and what to do with the lolly sticks when we had finished.

For group time, the cupcake song was requested once again. This has quickly become one of the children’s favourite songs to sing since we were gifted some gorgeous new knitted cupcakes made by Aimee’s grandmother. They are so beautifully made they look good enough to eat.


Aimee is so proud to play and sing the cupcake song at group time. Links between home, Whanau and Kindergarten help in establishing a sense of belonging for all.


Hikoi to Mairpark

This morning we all went on a hikoi and picnic to Mairpark. We had loads of support from Whanau which is fantastic, as we really can’t manage trips without your help (thank you!). We left Kindergarten at 9.30am with our trolley loaded with clipboards, paper, pens and magnifying lenses, and returned tired but happy just after midday.

One of the aims of this trip today was to familiarise ourselves, our children and families with what will become our new learning environment from mid-term 2. At this stage we are planning to take small groups of 12 of our eldest children, once a week into Mairpark for nature education.

 Today gave us all a wonderful opportunity to investigate the natural environment around us. Learning as a group outdoors is fun, in this environment learning happens naturally.

 "Exposure to natural environments improves children's cognitive development by improving their awareness, reasoning and observational skills" (Pyle 2002)                                              


 Promoting Close Observation


 "Early experiences with the natural world have been positively linked with the development of imagination and the sense of wonder" (Cobb 1977, Louv 1991). "Wonder is an important motivator for life long learning" (Wilson 1997).

Researching, Finding


Mairpark provides us with a range of trees and plants to investigate, space for exploration and adventure, rotting wood for discovering mini-beasts and trunks to climb on to extend physical skills and confidence.


Thursday 7 April 2011

New dolls!

Today Christine rolled the dolls’ house round to the front of Kindergarten for the children to play with outside. But oh dear – we noticed many of our dolls have been too well loved and are looking a tad sorry for themselves!

What resourceful children we have at Mairtown, as many decided to make their own dolls for the house. We had a look for what we may need and decided upon lolly sticks, fabric, pipe cleaners, ribbon, wool, pens and a hot glue gun. Our tamariki demonstrated great persistence as they went through the fiddly process of making clothes for the dolls, and wonderful patience as they waited for their turn with the hot glue gun. Everyone’s creations were so unique; the children were able to show their own personalities through the dolls they choose to make- ka pai everyone.

 Emma demonstrates great concentration as she makes her doll.

 Heidi communicates her thoughts as she cuts some fabric to make her doll.

 Abbey has plans to make a princess doll.

 Grace was happy to share her ideas on making dolls with her friends.

 Dihansa wanted long arms for her doll and showed great persistence and a 'can-do attitude' in solving her problem.

Kate constructed her doll with great confidence and resourcefulness.

Some of the finished dolls:

Afterwards the dolls were placed in the house. There was plenty of opportunity to have fun with the new dolls whilst also playing collaboratively along side others.

Mahi Toi (creative art) such as this is great for developing fine motor skills. It encourages children to plan their work, whilst extending imagination and creativity.
