
Wednesday 25 June 2014

Providing mathematically rich experiences through play

In early childhood play is a child’s world and allows the child to be a child whilst they develop and acquire knowledge and skills in a completely holistic way. As early childhood teachers we know and support the theory that children learn through play (self-directed learning). When children are active participants in experiences that are important to them play cultivates meaning and purpose; therefore as stated in Te Whāriki ‘The learner and the learning environment – are closely connected, and the curriculum applies to both” (1996, pg. 19).

So, how does the context of play best support children’s early mathematical experiences at kindergarten?

Mathematics/Pāngarau “is the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in quantities, space and time. Statistics is the exploration and use of patterns and relationships in data. These two disciplines are related but different ways of thinking and solving problems. Both equip students with effective means for investigating, interpreting, explaining, and making sense of the world in which they live” (Kei Tua o Te Pae, 2009, pg. 2).

When children play they are engaged in opportunities and experiences with both the physical and social worlds, through these interactions children continually develop and construct new knowledge and understanding. With a lens on mathematics we believe in providing meaningful context to everyday activities through appropriate resources, pedagogical knowledge and recognising the skills, ideas and interests that children ‘arrive’ with (family/whānau mathematics).

Mathematical provocations can ‘capitalise on young children’s high level of motivation to learn in a self-directed manner’ (Clements, 2001). 

When setting up spaces to invite children’s engagement and interest in mathematics we have found that simple yet fun activities, along with an interested and informed teacher can offer powerful learning experiences.

Number stones accompanied by gridded paper invites children to contribute and record (if inclined) their knowledge of number awareness.

Numerical concepts are developed and affirmed when children have opportunities to match objects with complementary numbers.

Providing ample resources provides children with opportunities to divide and sort objects into groups.

Tables set out with baskets of beautiful resources invite children to look for and construct patterns that have a ‘rule’ or relationship.


Grouping and sorting activities offer opportunities for children to practice and confirm numeracy key concepts such as pre-counting, one-to-one counting and counting sets.

When supporting children in their work and explorations with mathematics, we endeavour to be guided by an ‘investigative approach’ meaning that, we aim to foster and promote children’s understanding of mathematics through purposeful, meaningful and inquiry based experiences that are personally interesting to the child.

However, as with any meaningful curriculum context, scaffolding children’s potential learning requires teachers to have a clear content knowledge themselves. When we are informed and knowledgeable we are able to identify children’s current knowledge and then draw on our own skills to further extend their learning.

Mathematics can be ad hoc in early childhood education; it is often referred to as curriculum ‘that is everywhere’. However, I believe with intentional, forward planning early childhood play experiences  can offer rich opportunities for children’s pre numeracy and literacy skills. The outcome for our tamariki is life-long learning and achievement.

Nga mihi

Thursday 19 June 2014

Fire Thursday

I’m definitely not a winter person; give me the summer any day!  There is however one aspect of winter at Mairtown Kindergarten that I love, and anticipate almost as much as the children -  ‘Fire Thursday’!

As soon as the weather cools we start to plan our fire days, fondly known by the children as ‘Fire Thursday’, due of course, to the fact that we hold our fires on Thursday mornings.

The creation of fire is an essential factor of a Nature programme. It is one of the four elements and provides opportunities for children to experience success and self-accomplishment when starting a fire from scratch that will ultimately cook food. 

This is our third year of having weekly fires during the winter months at Mairtown, and we have clearly seen the benefits it offers to our children.

There are obviously significant risks associated with fires, and we take very seriously our roles as teachers to plan and manage for these carefully. We engage in a great deal of discussion about these risks for a few weeks before we begin our fires; the children sharing their ideas of what they anticipate as dangers, and the children who were at kindergarten last year remembering our all important ‘safety bubble’.

Drawing the safety bubble
The safety bubble is an area that we draw around the fire in chalk, marking out a clearly defined zone. The children know that no one apart from the teachers are allowed inside the safety bubble.

Keeping warm

Fire can provide a wide range of learning opportunities for young children including:
Mathematical and science concepts - Preparing a fire with paper and laying
   wood for a base.
Science concepts – how heat changes objects.
Cooking – with use of hand held paddles and pokers.
Ethic of care in looking after your friends.
Health and safety and how to manage risks.
Working together as a collaborative community.

Pikelets - delicious!!

So far this year we have cooked some delicious homemade bread, toasted some marshmallows, made pikelets and this week cooked sausages.

Time for tasting!
Lighting the fire

It is always interesting to talk to the children after these events to hear their reflections.

‘Reflection is remembering with analysis. When we engage children in reflection, we encourage them to go beyond merely reporting what they’ve done. We also help them become aware of what they learned in the process, what was interesting, how they feel about it, and what they can do to build on or extend the experience. Reflection consolidates knowledge so it can be generalized to other situations, thereby leading to further prediction and evaluation. ‘ (Epstein, 2003)

Madison's fire drawing

Thinking about our fire Thursdays:
Kayden ‘The wood makes the fire
Madison ‘The flames make a tricky pattern
Kayden ‘We have fires and we can eat things
Emma ‘And it’s also so we get warm. If its cold and not sunny we make a fire’
Kayden ‘Fires are bright so they make light’Emma ‘Hey, but only the teachers put it out
Kayden ‘You can’t go in the bubble, only the teachers. The bubble is a round circle
Madison ‘And we put chairs around the fire, the flames look like they dance’
Kayden ‘I think the flames look like teeth’
Kate ‘Hmm, the chairs are so we get don’t get bored of standing up cooking’
Emma ‘And we mustn’t touch the fire or we’ll get burned’
Tyler M ‘We know a lot about fires!’

Ngā mihi, Christine

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Parallel bars offer challenges

The outdoor environment is a great place for children to challenge themselves and learn to take responsible risks.  The teaching team recognised the benefits of having longer parallel bars and commissioned a local engineering shop to manufacture these.  When the longer parallel bars arrived at kindergarten and were introduced to the children they appeared keen to have a turn to show what they can do or challenge themselves to try something new.

 Movement is at the very core of how children develop intellectually, emotionally, socially, and of course, physically.  A moving child is a learning child”.  (Gill Connell, Moving Smart, 2011).   
The addition of longer parallel bars has created plenty of opportunities for our tamariki to physically and mentally challenge themselves.  It is a fantastic resource as it can be physically demanding, provides opportunities to take responsible risks, as well as use their imaginations.

Adventurers and enquiring minds are nurtured from the early years, they are encouraged to keep trying, never rescued but expected to go further, to seek new ways of thinking and doing.  Adventurers are encouraged to be dreamers, to think of what is possible, to challenge what is known and unknown”.  (National Quality Standards, 2013).

Over time I have been privileged to observe our tamariki build their confidence to explore and test their own capacities to challenge themselves to let go while hanging upside down, stand on top of the bars or find different ways to get across the parallel bars. 

According to Koringa Hihiko Active Movement “Children love to hang, swing and climb and it’s great for them.  These active movements experiences help to develop strong muscles in the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers (upper body strength).”  (Sport and Recreation New Zealand, 2012).

I enjoy observing the children build and develop their muscle control and strength to be physically able to move and hang on the parallel bars in different ways than previously able.  The look of accomplishment and celebrating success on a child face is priceless.

“Face a challenge and find joy in the capacity to meet it”.  Ayn Rand.

Here are some comments from the children.

I’m a koala bear sleeping in the day time”.  Payton

Doing flips, flips are easy peasy”.  Tiaki

“I got up here by myself”.  Kayla

“I’m going to swing on these bars, tricks are good, it’s my favourite thing to do”.  Peter

Slippee, slide across on my bum”.  Wyatt


“I can flip upside down and let both hands touch the ground”.  Liam

“You know I can stand up here ‘cause I did gymnastics”.  Livia

“Look, I’m not scared standing up here”.  Khaia


 “…the more risks you allow children to take, the better they learn to take care of themselves.  If you never let them take any risks, then I believe they become very prone to injury.  I like the type of child who takes risks.  Better by far than the one who never does so.  Roald Dahl
Ngā mihi, Susie