A small video of the costume parade held at group time.
As parents/whanau and friends arrived for our shared kai, we were overwhelmed by the amazing assortment of delicious food. This was a great opportunity for both the children and adults to sample traditional dishes from areas of the world that are culturally important to our children and their families.
Congratulations to the winners of our raffle, we hope you enjoy the prizes.
We were also fortunate enough to have Rona join us from the Heart Foundation. As a Kindergarten we are working towards achieving our 'healthy heart award'. Today Rona was able to provide us with information on healthy eating choices and demonstrate a quick and easy recipe for hummus.
"Family and Friends are hidden treasures, seek them and enjoy their riches." Wanda Hope Carter
Thank you to all the Whanau, parents and friends that joined in with our International day today, for all your hard work with both costumes and food - it was a wonderful.