Today was a special day - a much awaited day - the day we opened our treasure bags. Last term we sent the treasure bags home and asked that children, families/Whanau search and explore together, for materials that we could use at Kindergarten. Our new treasure!

The bags have been arriving over the last week, and there has been much anticipation, excitement and expectation as we have watched the bags gather in number. Everybody has showed wonderful patience waiting for today – the big reveal day – with no peeking!
For the grand opening we split into two smaller groups. A big thank you to Bryant and Anna who were our photographers and documenters for the event.
We ask the children to empty their bags one at a time, allowing us all time to explore the treasure in detail. Some of our new treasure is recognisable and others items are far more curious. As the bags are emptied out we invite the children to talk about their treasure; what might it be; where does it come from; what was it originally used for?
"The round things are film canisters" (Max)
"It all came from my bedroom" (Ryan)
"These are from when I went to rock and roll" (Brearna)
Sharing is an important part of the experience
“To a young child, the world is full of materials to touch, discover, and explore. To find, collect, sort, and use materials is to embark on a special kind of adventure. For adults, gathering materials means rediscovering the richness and beauty in natural, unexpected, and recyclable objects that are all around us, but not often noticed” (Weismann Topal & Gandini, 1999).
"All the bags are for sharing" (Dihansa)
Sorting and discovering new materials
"we can put it into the order of stuff" (Brearna)
This is a story that will have to be continued……. Today was a day of sharing, of discovery, of excitement and anticipation, of the unexpected and unknown, of a richness of vocabulary…..we will continue to document the sorting and organising process.
1 comment:
Wow! Look at all the amazing treasure! There must of been some amazing items in those treasure bags!
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