
Saturday 8 October 2011

Art Auction Fundraiser

The children at Kindergarten also created spectacular works using Hundertwasser and Joan Mirรณ as their inspiration.

It was a hugely successful and enjoyable night. All our donated canvases got sold. There were even a few bidding wars, some between family members!

There are so many thank yous we need to say. The families, Whanau and friends of Mairtown Kindergarten are amazing, we obviously could not have done this without you taking the time to complete your art and turn up to bid on the night. Also a huge thanks to Anna and Tracy who spent most of Friday arranging the art on the walls - it looked fabulous. Thank you to all our parent group for taking photographs, placing road signs on verges, helping set up.....the list goes on. Thanks to Glenn our fabulous auctioneer for the night, he was great at keeping everything going smoothly and adding his own sense of humour to the occasion. Thank you to Richard, Joel and Kirsty for organising and manning the bar and to Phoebe who held up each piece of art so we all knew what we were bidding on. I am sure there are many other thank yous I've missed out, lots of people arrived saw a job that needed doing and got stuck in - everyones contribution was what made it such a successful evening.

We're not sure just how much we've managed to raise yet, we will keep you all uptodate, but all profits will go towards upgrading our outdoor environment at Kindergarten.



  1. what a fantastic night!! I can't wait to see how much money was raised!

  2. Really enjoyable night out! Everything looked great! Well organised, can't wait to do it again :-)
