
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Welcome to term 4

Welcome back to all our children and their families/Whanau, we are going to have a great term 4!

We also welcome Heidi to Mairtown. Heidi is a student teacher in her second year with the Open Polytechnic. We are lucky enough to have Heidi with us for the next five weeks, so come and say hello and introduce yourself.

A quick update on our art auction, after all the costs we have raised an amazing $1600. Well done everyone, this is fantastic and will be such big help in funding our outdoor development. Thank you once again for helping to make this such a successful event for Mairtown Kindergarten.

On the subject of outdoor development, we have had some work taking place during these last holidays. Around the Whare a stunning mosaic pathway has been laid and two macrocarpa benches have been made. We have had contractors Steve Bowling in to complete the work, and lay the grey, green and white stones individually to make up the koru design. 


Zoƫ "I like how it goes around the little house. You can also twirl around on it".
Eva "It looks like pretty...I like the seats".
Kye "I like all the stones".
Grace "The patterns are really nice".

We have some more planting around the pathway to do which will hopefully be finished in the next week. Please add your comments, we would love to hear how you think our outdoor environment is looking and progressing.


1 comment:

  1. I like the twisty stone pattern - its very cool :)
